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The software lets you set the color inside the hoop to match the fabric you intend to stitch out on. You can also set a background color outside the hoop by way of contrast. Alternatively, you can add background fabrics based on samples packaged with the software.

Backgrounds are treated as design details and are included when saving.

Use Customize Design / Context > Background and Display Colors to change design background and display colors.

Background colors

Set the background color of the design workspace to match the fabric you intend to stitch out on.

  • Select Customize Design > Background and Display Colors or right-click the design workspace with nothing selected and select from the popup menu.
  • To select a color inside the hoop, choose the Solid Color option. This allows you to set separate colors inside and outside the hoop. Select a color from the palette or mix your own.


  • You can also set a background color outside the hoop by way of contrast. Set the color inside the hoop to match the color of the fabric you intend to stitch out on. See also Hoop selection.

Use Customize Design / Context > Background and Display Colors to change design background and display colors.

Use View > Show Design to show or hide design elements. Click to open droplist of view settings.

Background articles

The same Background and Display Colors dialog also lets you choose a garment on which to position your designs. Use it to visualize location, size and overall appearance. The software provides a library of articles to choose from, including multi-color garments. You can also load your own product images via the Custom Article option. The background is saved with the design.

Note that some articles allow you to set up to three colors.

Toggle articles on or off via the Show Design tool on the View toolbar. See also Viewing methods.

The 'Factory article' feature lets you choose and place an item in the background behind your embroidery design so you can see what your finished product will look like.Click the thumbnail to read more or right-click to open the link in a new tab...

Use Customize Design / Context > Background and Display Colors to change design background and display colors.

Background fabrics

In addition to setting background colors, you can also set textures to further imitate the fabric you intend to stitch out on.

  • Select Customize Design > Background and Display Colors or right-click the design workspace with nothing selected and select from the popup menu.
  • To use one of the preset fabric types, select the Factory Fabric option and select from the droplist and apply a color.


You can add your own fabric samples to the Fabrics folder in any of the supported file formats. You can also browse to another folder on your PC and select a file in any of these formats using the Custom Fabric option.

Use Customize Design / Context > Background and Display Colors to change design background and display colors.

Adjust display colors

In addition to background color or fabric, display colors for unsewn and selected stitches, object outlines and grid are part of the colorway definition. Change them if the default display color is not visible against the current colorway. The Background & Display Colors dialog includes a Display Colors panel.

Adjust colors as required for:

SelectedSelected objects or stitches.
UnsewnUnsewn stitches as they appear when traveling through the design.
Object shapesObject outlines as they appear when Show Shapes is activated. See View embroidery elements.
Grid linesDepending on the colorway, you may need to adjust grid display colors in order to view them against the background color.
GuidelinesDepending on the colorway, you may need to adjust guide display colors in order to view them against the background color.
Needle pointsNeedle points as they appear when Show Needle Points is activated. See View embroidery elements.